AUGUST 13, 2013

Here are a few of the writing ideas I have been working on. Please tell me what you think about them as novels or movies? I will post samples of my writing every once and a while. Enjoy.

1. Artist in the Basement: A modern day tale based on Fiddler on the Roof but here there are four sons and they become incrementally more religious. (Novel)

2. Roach Motel: A young cockroach family live on principles of health and cleanliness but when they move to New York City their lifestyle is taken for a wild ride and test. They open up a health spa in NYC to train other roaches on healthy living and try to take back the good name roaches once held. (Pixar, DreamWorks, etc.)

3. Simcha Punim: A Young boy navigates his playful self through a world of adults and learns good middos and values through his childish mistakes. (Children's Book series, cartoon)

4. The Crossword Puzzle: A crossword puzzle is left in a coffee shop one day and various people help finish the puzzle by the end of the day. As they complete another line, hey flashback to their memory of when they learned that answer. (Kind of a Slumdog Millionaire idea). (Novel made into a Movie)

5. My Golem: A boy discovers a secret from his grandfather that leads him on a quest to bring Moshiach. In the first book, he must awaken the Golem to find the hidden chamber of the demons, which were banished by the Maharal, and turn them into light-angels. In the second book he must awaken the Leviathan, in the third he must find the Shor-HaBor. Etc. Using various creatures from Jewish and Talmudic Mythology and the theme that every one of us possess a spark of Moshiach inside. (Novel series)

AUGUST 8, 2013

I have decided to post my short story entitled DANCING AROUND GRAVES to this page. Click below to read it. Enjoy!

Dancing Around Graves

AUGUST 7, 2013

Here I will post creative pieces I have either completed or am working on.

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